Thursday 24 May 2007

Publishing to the world the gist of the campaign against Blairing corruption and disenfranchisement people of and in inner cities in the UK

Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane and Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area Campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill and the campaign in general for the social, economic, environmental and democratic and constitutional and legal defence of the East End of London

Editor©Muhammad Haque

AADHIKAR Media Foundation

Established in London E1 UK on Monday 19 December 1980


Muhammad Haque

Legal affairs

AADHIKARonline Editor’s note – summarised version is viewable by logging on to the following web site

ADHIKARonline 2nd Edn of the day 0720 Hrs GMT Thursday 24.05.2007
Khoodeelaar! manifesto against Crossrail and for the ‘constitutional’ ‘constituencies’ in the East End borough of Tower Hamlets
1. Legal action programme of the Khoodeelaar! No to “Crossrail hole plot, scam, scheme Bill” and allied attacks on the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney and the rest of the ordinary East End of London CAMPAIGN [ongoing since 31 January 2004]
2. Legal claims against the named defendants – next parts of the texts due to be posted here during Thursday 24 May 2007

3. Khoodeelaar! dissecting the latest LSE-linked lies by Crassrole-playing fraudster ‘academic’ Tony ‘perverter of the evidence’ Travers and the lying EVENING [no standards] STANDARD
4. Why does the immoral ‘Daily Mail’ publish only a fraction of the truth about the disaster that is ‘Thames Gitsway project?
5. Why is it a ‘surprise’ to find that the awfully corrupting Margaret Hodge has been at it again? And when will the so-called critics of Margaret Hodge's latest corrupting exhibition catch up and see that like Margaret Hodge, Ken Livingstone too is a manipulative lying abuser of public office ?
6. Who arranged for the ‘Today’ programme to give Margaret Hodge that extended and unwarranted platform?
7. Breaking campaign news and legal action programme updates against Crossrail hole plot on the East End of London
from the editions of AADHIKARonline as published on Wednesday 23 May 2007
Archives of Khoodeelaar! files and arguments for action against Crossrail
Khoodeelaar! legal grounds for court action against Crossrail-hole Council
© Muhammad Haque / Khoodeelaar / CBRUK / Lawmedia 2006 | 06.03.2006

Court action to force the East London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council to abandon its collusion with Crossrail hole attack plan on the community is about to be mounted. This has taken two years preparation and the community campaign group Khoodeelaar has published the first list of grounds today. The Crossrail hole Bill is a reference to the hybrid 'Crossrail Bill' now in the UK House of Commons
Those illegalities will be included as evidence of their negligence and wrongfulness when we finally take court actions against them.
Court actions already announced will be taken against a range of personnel and against the entity of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council. Those actions will include claims that they
1. lied for Crossrail and against the community – the electorate
2. lied to even other councillors [those councillors who were both on the Opposition benches and on the back benches of the controlling side] whom the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council consistently kept in the dark about what they were doing as they had secret meetings and communications with Crossrail promoters
3. conspired to expose the Brick Lane London E1 area (and the other parts affected by the Crossrail hole plan, including the Mile End Park area and beyond) to serious health, environmental, social, economic danger and risk and uncertainty in return for their [the controlling clique members] personal benefits
4. made deals with Crossrail promoters and agents of other external interests whose aim was to displace the community in the Eats End and to make the affected parts of the East End ready for exploitation by property speculators and other similarly anti-social interest
5. abused their access to Council’s financial decisions and spent money in buying propaganda spaces in locally circulating ‘newspapers’ or media outlets that were 'persuaded' to leave out of their 'reports' on the Tower Hamlets Council controlling clique’s role on Crossrail hole the crucial facts about the Crossrail attacks
6. made criminally prosecutable deals with other propaganda outfits whom they promised benefits by making land or similar belonging to the entity of Tower Hamlets Council available in return for inclusion of propaganda telling the controlling clique’s lies about Crossrail hole plan.
[This file was posted on at 1740 Hrs GMT Monday 6 March 2006. The rest of the grounds will be published here in the next 72 hours]
© The Author / Khoodeelaar / CBRUK / Lawmedia 2006 "
Khoodeelaar! legal action programme – The latest updated versions of the texts of the claims against Crossrail hole Bill Minister Douglas Alexander [and others] will appear on this and the associated web sites in the next few hours
Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail whole plot attacks on the East End of London
1. Khoodeelaar! Claims in the claim form being filed in the High Court in London this week – summarised texts abridged from the formal versions the of claims against the following will be published on this and on the associated Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot against the East End of London web sites [and also be published in the print editions of the Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole plot bulletin] :-

Crossrail hole Bill promoter, Secretary of State [the main minister fronting the Department for Transport in the UK] [this list is indicative of the range, not the exhaustive list] of the defendants and or the 'respondents' in the series of court actions being started by Khoodeelaar! [See the legal action programme files published over the past 40 months for extensive references to the grounds, the bases and the legal reasons for the action/s]
2. The CLRL company
3. Transport for London
4. Owen Whalley
5. Christine Gilbert

[to be continued]
6. Khoodeelaar! print editions have been distributed in the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 area since 1500 Hrs GMT on Monday 21 May 2007.
Next editions will contain details of they demonstration against ‘Planning Aid for London’ and against the Crossrail company set to start digging bore holes in London E3